Storytellers Telling Stories – Listen Here!

This is easily one of the coolest things I’ve ever been invited to do. The podcast STORYTELLERS TELLING STORIES, now in its second season, invites writers to read a story which host extraordinaire Jude Brewer then coordinates and foleys with sound and music and pacing to create a wholly original experience for the listener. It’s magic.

If you haven’t heard an episode yet, get ready. You’re going to get hooked.

LISTEN HERE: Storytellers Telling Stories – Season 2 Episode 5


THE INSTRUCTION is online now at Paper Darts

Here it is.

I promised I’d post it when the link went live. Here it is: THE INSTRUCTION

Paper Darts editor-in-chief Meghan Murphy had this to say when she launched the link today on Twitter:

In my 10 years as the head editor for , no story has meant more to me than “The Instruction” by . Survivors of domestic violence, this one is for us. I am so grateful to the women that make publishing stories like these possible.

Deepest gratitude to Meghan and all the phenomenal people at Paper Darts that make it a beautiful home for such incredible art and literature.

I’m delighted this particular story found a home in this particular place.PD-promo_0016_Instruction.Finalc.png

Illustration by Greta Kotz